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How to claim expenses without receipts on your tax return
https://youtu.be/Gp2jmw-E0E8 Sam explains how to claim deductions on your tax return even if you don't have receipts. If you'd like to discuss your tax deductions please feel free to contact us
Negative Gearing – how to make it work for you
What is negative gearing? How can you make negative gearing work for you? Here's a straightforward explanation of what negative gearing is, with a side of depreciation and Capital Gains Tax for good measure. If you'd like more information about how negative gearing,...
Update: Small business asset write-off has increased to $30k
UPDATE - The asset write-off for Australian small businesses has increased to $30,000. Sam explains how the recently announced changes to the asset write-off for small business works. If you would like to find out how to make the write-off work for you please feel...
Tax refund and tax deduction – What’s the difference?…
Tax refunds and a tax deductions. These two are commonly confused. Do you know the difference?
Superannuation for contractors
If you're employing contractors or you're a contractor yourself you need to consider superannuation.
May 15 Tax Deadline
The May 15 tax lodgement deadline is fast approaching. Sam explains who the deadline applies to and what you need to do next.
Do I need to lodge a tax return?
Not sure whether you need to lodge a tax return?... This isn't an 'ignore it and it will go away' situation. Sam explains what to do when you're not sure whether to lodge or not.
Property investors and the upcoming election
There are some proposed tax changes that could affect property investors. The changes relate to negative gearing. In this video, Sam explains what those changes are and how they could impact you if you own an investment property or are...
Small business asset write-off
Special announcement - The asset write-off for Australian small businesses has increased to $25k Sam explains how the recently announced changes to the asset write-off for small business works. If you would like to find out how to make the write-off work for you...
Tax scam update
https://youtu.be/ljptXI53czQ From fake emails, email hacking and demands for iTunes vouchers - in this video we update you on the latest tricks scammers are using to try to get their hands on your hard-earned.