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How to spot a tax phone scam

How to spot a tax phone scam

So, you've received a call from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) telling you that you've got a tax debt that needs to be paid immediately - how do you know that it's genuine? Sam explains what to look out for and what to do next if you think you've received a fake...

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Tax offset for low and middle income earners

Tax offset for low and middle income earners

Have you heard about the new tax offset for low to middle income earners? Here's the breakdown of how much you're entitled to. If your taxable income: Does not exceed $37,000, you will be entitled to an offset amount of $255 on your tax payable. Exceeds $37,000 but is...

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How Single Touch Payroll affects employees

How Single Touch Payroll affects employees

How new rules around Single Touch Payroll affect employees. It's tax time but you probably don't have a group certificate, so what should you do next? If you would like to discuss Single Touch Payroll or your tax return please feel free to contact us.

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